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Home arrow Instructions arrow Stacking. Well that it is beautiful!
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Stacking. Well that it is beautiful! Print

How to lay "soft" container, then to not redden? Some recommendations.

Turning a tail налистанный a dome, try to not do of it round "sausage" .It is desirable, that after оборачивания a tail of edge and the middle of stacking were approximately one thickness. It will allow to fill in regular intervals both the middle, and edges of the container.

Do not put tailepocket on bottom edge of the container, recede about three fingers. In the further, doing the second addition it is exact on edge, you it will generate very accurate bottom of the container.

Doing the first addition as recede from top on 3-4 fingers. It will help to reach accurate wedge shape a structure of the container.

Try to fill with a palm stacking under the valve in regular intervals to fill sides of container, weigh its volume. Soft container do not tighten, namely зачековывают.


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